New weather station


Superski has upgraded with its own weather station. Now we monitor important data about temperature, precipitation and wind in Holmenkollen - every day - around the clock.

The service is freely available to our Supremium- customers. Register for free here.

A lot of weather. This winter has already served us fresh snow, rain, powder, slush, ice and silky snow - with variations and fluctuations during short periods.

Cross-country skiing is an outdoor sport. We can't do anything about the weather. But the team at Superski helps to find the right equipment and helps you with the best choices for preparation and lubrication.

Get a head start.

Superski's weather station in Kollen.

"Difficult weather conditions can be used to your advantage," reveals Superski's Peder Stadaas. By optimizing the combination of ski selection, sharpening and preparation, the aim is to ensure that the equipment works together so that you perform as the best version of yourself.

Feel free to visit Superski in Holmenkollen for a chat about how you should be equipped to reach your goal on the cross-country trail - whatever the weather.