"Now I have a head start before winter!" smiles a satisfied participant. Superski's summer ski school in June 2022 is right on target. A large group of ski-loving children have become more confident on roller skis, received tips on new sessions, formed bonds across clubs - and had active days outdoors. They have trained with Therese Johaug, and fought against each other in Superski's own version of "Champion of Champions".
Super week. "Anyone who can tell about five highlights this week?" The question is thrown out to the group. The answers come back quickly. "I have fifty reasons!" replies an eager participant. A fun week, varied sessions, top trainers, new friends, progress in skiing technique, social and educational are comments that repeat.
The formula for success. Since its inception, Superski has organized over 30 summer ski schools. Solid experience combined with constant development are important ingredients in the recipe for success. "We do something new every time, and constantly optimize based on a proven scheme," says Superski's general manager Joakim Levorsen. New this year, for example, is that the first session is divided into several blocks. This means that we cover more activities, it provides greater variety and the participants train endurance in a way that is perceived as less tiring. Sharing sessions between several activities is also a good tip to take with you to your own training.
Tailoring. A signature of Superski's summer schools is that the content is well thought out for each individual year group. Hard sessions are part of the plan. But there are differences between the age groups, and this is taken into account in planning and carrying out activities. Personal follow-up of technique on roller skis is also a key ingredient. Tailored arrangements mean that many children are happy to return repeatedly, brush up on their own past times and take new steps forward. Over the years, Superski has noted a number of names on the "nobility calendar" of participants who are participating for the 10th time!
Reinforced ties. “I've had a blast. Now I'm a little tired. Looking forward to the next time at Superski!” this is the children's summary after a week of shared training enjoyment, with variety and inspiration. Bonds between children from different clubs are strengthened. Now the ski season can only come. This gang is already ready. Perhaps also with a small head start on the competitors. But more important: At the bottom of the scheme lies Superski's well-thought-out philosophy: In addition to organized training and follow-up from our skilled trainers, it is also important to have versatile training that can be carried out unorganized throughout the year. We are motivated by helping the children to be active also on their own.